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3 Benefits of Annual AC Maintenance

If you want your air conditioner to last for years, then it needs regular maintenance. HVAC maintenance appointments allow technicians to check on your system to see if there are any potential issues. These air conditioning professionals can also clean your coils and remove any debris that could block your system.

Annual air conditioner maintenance isn’t optional. Learn about the benefits of scheduling these maintenance visits.

1. Annual maintenance can lower your energy bill.

If you want lower energy bills while still using your AC system, then invest in regular maintenance. An HVAC professional can clean out your AC unit and remove debris from your system. Your maintenance service can prevent ac repair and improve your air quality.

Think of your maintenance appointment like an oil change on a car. After you leave the mechanic, your car likely runs better and gets better gas mileage. Maintenance also makes your car run longer, keeping it on the road for years. The same can be applied to your AC unit. You can extend the life of your system and lower your monthly energy bill by keeping it running at its best.

If your HVAC system has to fight against dirt and clogs, it will run longer and use more energy to cool your home, especially during the summer months. This increases your energy costs and wears out your system. Annual maintenance can keep your unit running at peak efficiency, pushing cool air through your home all summer.

2. Preventative maintenance can catch AC system issues.

No one looks forward to paying for expensive repairs on HVAC systems. An unplanned breakdown can be costly for homeowners who have other bills to pay. However, HVAC issues are necessary repairs. You need a cooling system and a furnace to maintain your home’s temperature throughout the year.

One of the main benefits of annual AC maintenance is preventative care. HVAC technicians know to identify issues early on and fix them during your appointment. They have years of experience clearing drain lines and checking air ducts.

Plus, signing up for a maintenance program is much more affordable than buying a new air conditioner or any replacement parts that come with a major break. You can protect your cooling system and your wallet.

3. Your warranty may require AC maintenance.

Some warranties require homeowners to receive annual air conditioner maintenance in order for them to remain valid. This is because AC systems need to be cleaned and checked regularly to perform at their best.

Review your manufacturer’s warranty to see what steps you need to take to keep it valid. The cost of an AC tune-up is small compared to the amount of money you will pay for a new unit. It’s worth the time to prove that you care for the air conditioner as best as you can.

The best way to keep up with your warranty is to schedule preventative maintenance with an HVAC company. HVAC manufacturers don’t like paying to replace units and will look for ways to void your agreement. However, if you can prove that you invested in air conditioner maintenance, you can get a replacement system if yours breaks.

Keeping your air conditioner running well can improve your energy efficiency in the summer months and save you a lot of money on repairs. A service call from a professional HVAC technician only takes an hour and can give you peace of mind and better air quality. If you can’t remember the last time your air conditioner was serviced, then it’s time to call someone. Request an AC tune-up from your local HVAC company and keep your energy costs down.

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